Classroom subjects are explored in an integrated manner, where students grapple with real-world issues while honing their skills in math, economics, science, humanities, language and writing. The manipulative materials of the elementary are rarely used, as these students are now able to work, understand and visualize ideas in the abstract. The focus is upon the development of a successful process and innovative approach, rather than rewarding an expected answer.
Middle School students are sensitive to issues of social justice and personal dignity. Critical thinking and public speaking skills are learned through socratic seminars as students grapple with real world issues. Through this process an appreciation of multiple perspectives on a given topic develops.
Students develop and run their own real business, marketing and selling products that they manufacture themselves. Supporting lessons are given on the scientific, historical, economic, practical and organizational aspects of their products. Student work includes bookkeeping, budgeting and purchasing, design, advertising, surveys, research, the writing of proposals, interviews of experts, and documentation.
Students pursue the skills that will enable them to express their understanding of the world through art and music. Activities such as rock climbing, canoeing, tennis, running, hiking bicycling, and other group games help develop agility and strength, as well as a sense of fun and confidence in the meeting of physical challenges.
Years of watching our students matriculate to high school, college and beyond confirms that an authentic Montessori Middle School is an excellent education for life. They excel in school and careers of choice but, more importantly, emerge as confident, well adjusted, happy adults.
“It’s important to showcase testimonials from past and current parents. In marketing, this is referred to as “social proof” and it is critical to engaging prospects and encouraging them to tour your school.”
- John Doe